Friday, April 2, 2010

Patience really is a virtue

It's so nice to have a ton of time, that way when everything doesn't go according to plan it doesn't really matter. (See, I am more laid back already!)

I was trying not to over plan the trip so didn't notice the recommendation to book tickets to Robben's Island in advance since they sell out- OOPS! Sold out for the NEXT 5 DAYS!!! :-(

Since I had time and wasn't going to leave defeated and disappointed, I figured it couldn't hurt to ask if there were any last minute cancellations. A hour wait later, 3 marathons missed the ferry while stuck in traffic scouting the route--- their loss, my gain!

So in addition to taking a tour of Cape Town and seeing all the idyllic beaches, I also saw Nelson Mandela's teeny tiny cell. Our tour guide was a former political prisoner who had spent 7 years in the prison as a cook for the 800 inmates. I'll give it to the South Africans, they certainly don't sugar coat Apartheid (but I guess that would be tough one!)


  1. Nice pictures, Porter! Keep 'em coming!!

  2. Enjoy your trip abroad - this place has really fallen apart since you left. Packs of wild teens have taken over NYC subways, and "flash mobs" are overrunning South Street in Philly.

    I can't believe you haven't planned it down to the minute, so unlike you.

    Cora has taken a sudden interest in you - so keep the pictures coming!
